SKE48 - 1,2,3,4 Yoroshiku!

1:45 PM Blogger Serabutan 0 Comments


1234 yoroshiku 5678 aishite
Kono mune no tobira wo sotto nokku shite
1234 yoroshiku 5678 watashi wo
Hajimete no Password

Hoshii mono ha (Sorya hoshii)
Mattecha dame dayo (Baka wo mirudake)
Minna wa iu keredo
Sonna kantan ni (Me ga attara)
Ii dase nai wa (Onna no ko damon)
Yomi konda I love you

[Kokurutte no wa yuuki iru kedo
Timing wo nogasuto, oonawatobi mitai ni irenaku naru yo]
Honto... Honto... Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah !

[Christmas, Valentine Day, Tanjoubi
Kore ga koi no san ookikkake day nandatte]
Kami-sama doko ni iru no ? Tell me !
1234 onegai 5678 watashi ni
Unmei wo shinjiru chikara... Kudasai
1234 onegai 5678 ima sugu
Itoshisa no Power

Karui kanji de (fumu fumu naruhodo)
Shizen na kanji de (Chotto gikochi nai)
Hanashi kakeyoukana
Tomodachi kara (Toomawari dashi)
Hajimereba ii (Maji uzaishi)
Sukoshi zutsu I like you

[Yoku chuui shinai tosa, koi ni koi shiteru koto ga arundatte
"Koi shiteru jibun ga suki" mitai na]
Kitto... Kitto... Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah !

[Koi wo surutone, Asa hayaoki ni narundatte !
Riyuu ? Shiranai]
Doushite deatta no darou... Tell me !

1234 yoroshiku 5678 aishite
Kono mune no tobira wo sotto nokku shite
1234 yoroshiku 5678 watashi wo
Hajimete no Password

[Koittesa, shiyouto omouto dekinakute
Ima wa ii yatte omouto arawarerundatte]
1234 yoroshiku 5678 aishite
Kono mune no tobira wo sotto nokku shite
1234 yoroshiku 5678 watashi wo
Hajimete no Password

Tell me !
1234 nori nori 5678 akaruku
Tokimeki no Beat ni sotto awasete
1234 nori nori 5678 rizumu de
Kokuhaku no Timing


1!2!3!4! ヨロシク!
5!6!7!8! 愛して!
この胸の扉をそっと ノックして…
1!2!3!4! ヨロシク!
5!6!7!8! 私を!

飲み迂んだ I LOVE YOU!
ホント ホント
神樣 どこにいるの Help me!
1!2!3!4! お願い!
5!6!7!8! 私に!
運命を信じる力 下さい
1!2!3!4! お願い!
5!6!7!8! 今すぐ…
話しかけようかな 友達から(遠回りだし…)
轉載來自 ※ 魔鏡歌詞網
少しずつ I LIKE YOU!
きっと きっと
どうして出會ったのだろう Tell me!
1!2!3!4! ヨロシク!
5!6!7!8! 愛して!
この胸の扉をそっと ノックして…
1!2!3!4! ヨロシク!
5!6!7!8! 私を!


1!2!3!4! ヨロシク!
5!6!7!8! 愛して!
この胸の扉をそっと ノックして…
1!2!3!4! ヨロシク!
5!6!7!8! 私を!
初めてのパスワ一ド Tell me!
1!2!3!4! ノリノリ!
5!6!7!8! 明るく!
ときめきのビ一トにそっと 合わせて…
1!2!3!4! ノリノリ!
5!6!7!8! リズムで!


1! 2! 3! 4! I'm counting on you!
5! 6! 7! 8! to love me!
knock softly
on my heart's door...
1! 2! 3! 4! be kind!
5! 6! 7! 8! to me!
it's the first password*
(*refering to the word "yoroshiku")

regarding what you want ("I want that!")
you can't just wait around (you'd make a fool of yourself)
that's what everyone says, but
it's not that easy (if our eyes meet)
to say it out loud (I'm a girl, after all)
I swallowed my "I LOVE YOU!"

"confessing may be a matter of courage, but
if you miss the right timing
it's like a big jumping rope - you won't manage to get in"

really? really?
yay! yay! yay! yay!

"Christmas, valentine's day, birthday,
they say these three days are the biggest occasions for romance!"

where are you, God?
Help me!
1! 2! 3! 4! please!
5! 6! 7! 8! give me!
the power to believe in fate
1! 2! 3! 4! please!
5! 6! 7! 8! right away...
the power of affection

totally relaxed, (hm, hm, I see)
seeming natural, (just a bit awkward)
maybe I should try talking to him?
it's best that we start off (that's kind of a detour...)
as just friends (seriously annoying...)
little by little "I LIKE YOU!"

"I've heard that if you're not careful, y'know,
you can fall in love with love!
like, 'I love myself when I'm in love' or something..."

surely, surely
yay! yay! yay! yay!

"y'know, they say that when you're in love, you start waking up early!
why?... no idea"

I wonder why we met?
Tell me!

1! 2! 3! 4! I'm counting on you!
5! 6! 7! 8! to love me!
knock softly
on my heart's door...
1! 2! 3! 4! be kind!
5! 6! 7! 8! to me!
it's the first password

"I've heard that when you want to fall in love you can't do it,
but when you think 'whatever then!', it happens!"

1! 2! 3! 4! I'm counting on you!
5! 6! 7! 8! to love me!
knock softly
on my heart's door...
1! 2! 3! 4! be kind!
5! 6! 7! 8! to me!
it's the first password

Tell me!

1! 2! 3! 4! in high spirits!
5! 6! 7! 8! cheerfully!
slowly joining in the beat
of my heart...
1! 2! 3! 4! in high spirits!
5! 6! 7! 8! to the rhythm!
the confession's timing!