SKE48 - Pinocchio Gun

1:56 PM Blogger Serabutan 0 Comments


hana wo takaku shite, zenshin!"

ZEKKOO CHOO chikagoro watashi
ZEKKOO CHOO kibun wa joujou
ZEKKOO CHOO itsu no ma ni yara
ZEKKOO CHOO kono hana nobippa nashi

PINOKIO jan shinpai nai jan
PINOKIO jan fuan wa nai jan
PINOKIO jan yowaki janai jan
kami ga orita yo
hana TAKA jan soratte Hashirou jan
hana TAKA jan itte miyou jan
hana TAKA jan tanoshimou jan
ima ga jun da yo

attouteki na PAWAA de neji fusero!
Oh! Yeah! kachiikusa
attouteki ni oshite! taose!
Ah! un datte sainou sa

iza susume! ii ki ni natteru
iza susume! ikioi dake de
iza susume! tenka wo torouze! YEEI!
"sono uchi DAME ni naru" kageguchi iwaretatte
sonna koto wa chitto mo ki ni shinai yo
NO hansei
ZEKKOO CHOO konseiki saidai
ZEKKOO CHOO kuuzenzatsugo
ZEKKOO CHOO zenjinmitou
ZEKKOO CHOO kono mama yari togero!
hata wo ima saa agero! Victory

ano hana wo oritte yaru dareka ni iwaretemo
nobita hana wa moto ni wa modoranai ze!
tomaranai yo!

iza susume! ii ki ni natteru
iza susume! chouji ni notteru
iza susume! ikioi dake de
iza susume! tenka wo torouze! YEEI!
PINOKIO gun kachi susumu ze!
PINOKIO gun make shirazu da ze!
PINOKIO! hana nobite Victory!



ゼッコーチョー 近頃 私
ゼッコーチョー 気分は上々
ゼッコーチョー いつのまにやら
ゼッコーチョー この鼻 伸びっぱなし

ピノキオじゃん 心配ないじゃん
ピノキオじゃん 不安はないじゃん
ピノキオじゃん 弱気じゃないじゃん
鼻タカじゃん 突っ走ろうじゃん
鼻タカじゃん 行ってみようじゃん
鼻タカじゃん 楽しもうじゃん

圧倒的な パワーでねじ伏せろ!
Oh! Yeah! 勝ち戦
圧倒的に 押して!倒せ!
Ah! 運だって才能さ

いざ進め!天下を獲ろうぜ! イェーイ!
「そのうちダメになる」 陰口言われたって
NO 反省

ゼッコーチョー 今世紀最大
ゼッコーチョー 空前絶後
ゼッコーチョー 前人未到
ゼッコーチョー このまま やり遂げろ!
旗を 今 さあ 揚げろ! Victory
あの鼻を折ってやる 誰かに言われても

いざ進め!天下を獲ろうぜ! イェーイ!
ピノキオ軍 勝ち進むぜ!
ピノキオ軍 負け知らずだぜ!
ピノキオ!鼻伸びて Victory!


"Pinocchio War!
When the nose grows big, move forward!"

In perfect form! The current me
In perfect form! this feeling is excellent
In perfect form! without anyone realizing
In perfect form! this nose started growing

If its Pinocchio you don't have to worry
If it's Pinocchio you don't have to be anxious
If it's Pinocchio you don't have to be shy
God gave us this
When the nose grows big let's run without bumping into each other
When the nose grows big let's go
when the nose grows big let's enjoy
Now is the best time

Turn this overwhelming power over with a screw
Oh yeah! it's a victorious fight
Overwhelmingly push it! Throw it down!
Ah! Even if it's with luck or skill!

Move forward! get in a good mood
Move forward! riding on a tune
Move forward! with only your power
Move forward! Catch the whole world! Yay!
"You will become useless soon" I was told that rumor
But those things don't make me worried in the least
No meditating!
In perfect form! I am the best in this century
In perfect form! the first and probably the last
In perfect form! it's an untrodden path
In perfect form! let's finish it in this way!
Raise the flag now! Victory!

Even if someone said that they would fold that nose
the long nose won't go back to the way it was!
It can't be stopped!

Move forward! get in a good mood
Move forward! riding on a tune
Move forward! with only your power
Move forward! Catch the whole world! Yay!
Pinocchio war Let's advance towards a victory!
Pinocchio war We don't know defeat!
Pinocchio! the nose grows it's Victory!